since I know many of us are involved in Comenius projects, I thought maybe you'll be interested in Comenius individual pupil mobility as well.
Comenius individual pupil mobility is the newborn in the "Comenius family" (it's been running for the first year in this 2010) and it involves Upper Secondary schools - for the moment, only in some EU countries.
Secondary schools that are or have been involved in a Comenius School Partnership can apply for grants to send pupils to one or more of their Comenius partner schools. This action gives the secondary school pupils the chance to spend between 3 and 10 months in a host school and a host family abroad. It broadens their understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages and helps them to acquire the skills they need for their personal development. Please note that this year only the schools from the following countries can participate in the action: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Too bad I teach in a Lower Secondary school - and too bad I'm not a student!!! I would have loved this.
If you're running a successful Comenius project and you'd like your pupils to try something new and challenging, you can learn more about Comenius individual pupil mobility in the European Commission website (or just ask your NA!).
Have fun you all, and keep up experimenting with LLP!