We are all constantly learning in our daily lives at work and through our leisure, cultural and social activities. But, all too often, the knowledge, skills and competences we acquire through our work and life experiences remain hidden representing a waste of the talents of EU citizens.
Making this learning visible and giving it value is important not only for improved employability and social inclusion of individuals but also for better targeted and more efficient formal education and training provision, increased competiveness of enterprises and stronger economic growth.
The Commission considers it is very timely to address these issues now as a series of EU initiatives covering qualification and credit systems in general, vocational and higher education and training have been introduced which support a learning outcomes approach. In particular the ongoing development of national frameworks (which describe qualifications in terms of what people know, understand and can do regardless of where or how the learning was acquired) provide the scope to develop an integrated approach to the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning.
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation.
Contributions from citizens, organisations and public authorities are welcome.
You can submit your contribution by using the online questionnaire
So, once again, let Europe hear your voice!
Have a great 2011 you all !