As a part of the Comenius Week 2011, I'm organizing with my Institute the Seminar "School Beyond Borders - percorsi di innovazione dalla Valdelsa in Europa" (Teatro dei Varii, Colle Val d'Elsa, 03.05.2011).

The seminar deals with Comenius and eTwinning experiences in our area. Principals and teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of the Valdelsa will meet to share ideas, pathways and successful practice.We will have a representative of both Comenius and eTwinning National Agencies, who will introduce to us new opportuinities in the field of European projects. Comenius individual pupil mobility and implementation of eTwinning teams in the different institutes will be object of debate.The event will be hosted by Colle Val d'Elsa's Municipality in the Teatro dei Varii, inside the Mediaeval castle.