Following Irene's post in the TwinSpace forum, I'd like to introduce the topic of
eTwinning Groups here as well.
eTwinning Groups are the greatest eTw news of this summer, and obviuosly the CSS is betting on their success.
Anyway, I felt we have so little information about what they are about. Just like many other teachers, I am waiting to see what happens next, and not joining in any of them because I don't know what I'll be asked to do (and what I can ask from Groups as well).
Are they a larger version of LLT? Maybe less general, dealing with a more specific subject? What kind of output is expected out of a Group? Are there "tasks" to accomplish, or one's contribute is supposed to be free?
These are just some of the questions that came to my mind. It feels weird to join something, when you're actually not sure of what this "something" is. Anyway, I'm very curious and as always excited about anything that's new. And I suppose lots of us will eventually give a try to this kind of professional "blind date" =)
If you have any idea, news or personal experience as a Group's member or organizer/moderator, please let us know. It would be extremely interesting to get to know about this new way to be together and grow in our job.
Looking forward to hearing from you,