Saturday, 30 October 2010

Happy Twins

Together with Monika, we celebrated in May eTwinning 5th Birthday in our BE-TWIN project. Thank to our students, we won our National competition and received these cute T-shirts. Here are the proud happy pupils (and happy teacher as well).

As we always say, working in eTwinning is all about having fun... :)

Friday, 15 October 2010

Welcome to a brand new eTwinning group!

I would like to welcome all of you to a brand new eTwinning group!

"Visibility of eTwinning Projects" is a community of teachers whose purpose is to devise, implement, evaluate and improve guidelines for boosting the visibility of eTwinning projects.

We can do this here in this new eTwinning group by promoting the eTwinning action as part of Comenius - the EU programme for schools -, sharing experience and knowledge, promoting imaginative ideas, giving constructive feedback, giving inspiration about how to make the most of eTwinning projects, strengthening the feeling of belonging to a truly European network!

Let's start MAKING THE RIGHT WAVES then!

This is the url of the group:

If you want to be part of this group, please contact me through the eTwinning portal or directly through email:

Do join!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Mario Vargas Llosa!

Congratulation all Spanish speaking people! Noble Prize to an old favoutite; Mario Vargas Llosa!
Absolutely worth reading!